The Kannami Buddha Statues Museum also houses other Buddha statues made between the Heian and Edo periods. From the Heian period, these of Sho Kannon and Seishi Bosatsu statues from the Heian period are the rare case; these kinds of statues were normally not enshrined in the same place in the period they were carved. There is also a statue of Kukai Shonin, who is also known as Kobo Daishi (the grand master of propagating tantric Buddhist teaching), is housed.
Shō-Kannon StatueShizuoka Prefecture Tangible Cultural Property
Wood / Heian Period -
Jizō Bosatsu StatueShizuoka Prefecture Tangible Cultural Property
Wood / Heian Period -
Fudō Myō-ō StatueKannami Town Tangible Cultural Property
Wood/Post-Muromachi Period -
Bishamonten StatueShizuoka Prefecture Tangible Cultural Property
Wood / Heian Period -
Kūkai Shōnin StatueKannami Town Tangible Cultural Property
Wood/Post-Edo Period -
Kyōkan Shōnin StatueKannami Town Tangible Cultural Property
Wood/Post-Edo Period